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Showing posts with label Online buyer for export.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online buyer for export.. Show all posts

16 June 2023

How to find buyers in export business || B2B portals || Online approach

Find buyer in export business is very big headache for exporters. However,I share my personal experience for it in my blogs. Today we will discuss about online approach or online way to find buyer for export. 

If you want to know about how to find buyer with offline approach. Please click on below link , I already upload blog for it.

Well, Find online international buyer has many ways and I will try to explain one of it. It is B2B portals, Just go through of it and you can understand how B2B portals are effective way to find international buyer. 

B2B portals

In international business, B2B portals are very helpful for find buyers. There are many reasons behind it. There are different B2B portals in different country and they give option to free registration of your business on their portal. So register in all B2B portals in origin country and also in other countries which are your target market of your product. This step will increase online presence of your business because B2B portals have there own ranking on google. If buyer will search about your product or website, your website is showing in many link on google search because of this B2B portals. 

Also get 1 paid portal membership. You have to spend money as a marketing investment if you want to find buyer in short period. This step will show your genuinity and push the buyer to know about you. For example, If you get Indiamart or Alibaba membership , then this company never give verified symbol on your page interface without proper verification and conformation. And once they verified your company, then obliviously buyer will trust on you and your company. In international business, tractability and credibility is the key of success. 

If you done above two step, then whenever buyer search about product which you want to export. There is more chance to show your company website and name in first page of google search and if your company is verified by prominent B2B portal than it increase tractability and create positive image in front of buyer and buyer will definitely approach to you.

We will discuss about more online approach on  next blogs. Thanks for reading and stay tuned with us.