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11 June 2023

Tropical Cyclone frequency is increased in Gujarat in recent years.

In recent days, Biparjoy cyclone is become dangerous and converting in severe cyclone. However, This cyclone is changing its direction but still some costal areas in Gujarat are in threat. 

But why cyclone frequency is increasing in past two decades in Gujarat? If we go to the history of severe cyclone, There are only one severe cyclone in Gujarat in 2001 to 2020 tenure of two decades, First cyclone Gujarat in 2001 and cyclone Vayu in 2019. While there are 2 cyclone in 3 years cyclone Tauktae in 2021 and cyclone Biparjoy in 2023.

This consequences have because of global warming. We all know that global warming is increasing day by day and because of it, sea surface temperature(SST) of Indian Ocean is increasing and become high compare than past. Cyclones are created because of two things, create low pressure on surface due to warm air goes up and second is latent heat which is increase because of water drops. 

 Due to global warming effect, warm temperature is increasing and it cause more moisture in atmosphere. Moisture is directly effect on creation of cyclone.

We Gujarati see two severe cyclone in last three years. Many scientist warn about this consequences and we have to stop global warming. 

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