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30 June 2023

How to export mangoes from India

Indian agriculture products are booming in the world. Also, our government promotes export agriculture  products by launching schemes. Mango is one of the popular fruits in the Indian community from Kashmir to Kanyakumari , Mangoes and its different varieties are very famous. Also the Indian community is all over the world so Indian mango demand is very good in the international market. Also there are many other factors for demanding Indian mango in the world. One of them is its amazing flavor. Indian mango has its own sweetened flavor which can only be found in Indian Mangoes.

Well, If we talk about export figures in the financial year 2022-23, 22963.78 MT (Matric Tones) Indian Mangoes are exported from India. Which  is very healthy numbers as per past years. Any merchant exporter can export Mangoes from India. Let us move on from where you can buy Mangoes in India.

Well, There are more than 60 varieties in mangoes but only 5-6 varieties are majorly exporter. Go through the below list of verities and from there you can purchase Mangos. 

Andhra PradeshBanganapalli, Suvarnarekha, Neelum and Totapuri
BiharBombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari, Fazli, Gulabkhas, Kishen Bhog, Himsagar, Zardalu and Langra
GujaratKesar, Alphonso, Rajapuri, Jamadar, Totapuri, Neelum, Dashehari and Langra
HaryanaChausa, Dashehari, Langra and Fazli
Himachal PradeshChausa, Dashehari and Langra
KarnatakaAlphonso, Totapuri, Banganapalli, Pairi, Neelum and Mulgoa
Madhya PradeshAlphonso, Bombay Green, Dashehari, Fazli, Langra and Neelum
MaharashtraAlphonso, Kesar and Pairi
PunjabChausa, Dashehari and Malda
RajasthanBombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari and Langra
Tamil NaduAlphonso, Totapuri, Banganapalli and Neelum
Uttar PradeshBombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari and Langra
West BengalFazli, Gulabkhas, Himsagar, Kishenbhog, Langra and Bombay Green

List of Majorly exported varieties of  mangoes.  
  • Alphonso
  • Dasheri 
  • Langra 
  • Kesar
  • Totapuri
  • Mallika 
What is the process for export Mangos ?

Firstly, You need to find registered farmers. You can not purchase mangoes for export from any farm you have to purchase from registered APEDA(Agricultural and Process food product Export Development Authority)  farms. Please go to the link below to find registered Farmers, exporters, Pak house and PSC.
APEDA register farmers  . Buy mango from this farmer or from wholesalers and grade Mango as per country.

Well, different countries have different processes , certificates , grading and packaging. Slotting , Grading and packaging is dependent on buyer and country. Now a question comes to your mind: how to find a buyer for mango. Please go through the link below to find buyers online and offline. 

Your buyer will demand some process and certificate. So what is the process? Firstly , once you buy Mangos from farmers or wholesalers then transfer in APEDA approved packhorse where your goods will pack as per standard packing under clean and insect safety facility.  Now,  There are three processes in Mango. Hot water treatment , irradiation treatment , vapor heat treatment. This process depends on the country. 

Once you complete these treatments then IPPC will issue a certificate which is called Phytosanitary Certificate. Also you need a COO certificate if the buyer demands. How will you process this certificate? This process can be done By CHA. Your CHA will handle this process.  

Now once you get approval from IPPC . Then you can transport your goods to the nearest port. If you export by sea then your goods need pre-cooling which is done in cold storages. 

Then custom clearance and transportation is handled by CHA and Logistics company respectively. Also you need basic documents for export mangos. Now what is CHA and Logistics and which basic documents are needed for export? You can get knowledge of it in my previous blog. Please click the link below.

If you have any question in your mind. Comment below and share your query. Thank You 

27 June 2023

Sesame seed export from India || 2023

Agriculture products are exported in big quantities from India specially merchant exporter who are playing crucial part in export agriculture product. Today we have another agriculture product which can be exported by anyone and earn profit. But you have to do market for that so this blog provide some essential numbers which will help you in market research. Lets move on to our main topics. 

India is exporting Oilseeds worth of more than ten thousand nine hundred crore Indian rupees in financial year 22-23 which is higher number compare to year 21-22. In oilseeds, majorly exported products are groundnuts, soybean, sesame , castor and sunflower. As per Former Chairman of  IOPEPC (Indian Oil and Produce Export Promotion Councils) Khushwant Jain, in this year books good order and expected to numerous growth in Oilseed export.  

Sesame seeds is added directly in food for specific flavor and crunchy texture . Anyway it is one of the common  use what we are know but it has wide use from kitchen to industrial. It contains reach amount of  protein vitamins and mineral so it is widely use in food but it is also use in cosmetics industry. Sesame seed oil has vitamin E which is use full for firming and anti-inflammatory properties for the skin. Because of oil property, it has wide range of use in lubricant and production of  bio desal manufacturing. 

Now you can realize that how many use of sesame seeds and that's why it has good market in the world. India is the leading exporter of sesame seed. Lets look in some numbers which will help you in research. Top five countries where you can export sesame seeds. 

  • Korea PR 
  • USA
  • Russia
  • Indonesia 
  • China
Above country has good market of Indian sesame seed. Now lets we talk about where you can purchase of good quality goods in India. Find below list of states where you can buy sesame seeds. 

  • Rajasthan 
  • Gujarat
  • West Bengal
  • Maharashtra 
  • Utter Pradesh   
Now what documents need for export sesame seed? Firstly you need certificate from IOPEPC (Indian Oil and Produce Export Promotion Councils). Need some other certificates from importing some countries such as Europe. If you want to export Sesame seed in EU countries than you have to follow some rules and acquire certificate in reshipment stage . I am providing whole report link from IOPEPC  shared in 2016.

Please go through from above PDF and get knowledge about certificates. Here I would like to share very important line from my 6 years experience in export industry "Invest you time first before investing money" It is very useful in export industry. Get detailed knowledge of each and every aspect before dispatch your first order. Lets move on to topic. You also need other documents for export. Please go through my specialize blog for import export documents and get knowledge about documents.

Well I know what is your interested topic, How much profit margin in export Sesame seed. Well, in major agriculture product you can earn net 5%-7% of your turnover.

Contact us for more information about Sesame seed export on or comment below. Thanks for reading

26 June 2023

Ecommerce export from India

India become 5th largest economy in the world. Our hon'ble PM Narendra Modi recently visited USA and during his speech, he confidently told that India will be the 3rd largest economy in the world soon. In this era India is growing faster and the leading reason of growing India economically is the increasing number of export of gods and service.

 E commerce business is booming in the worlds. Now Big E commerce platforms are giving opportunity to list your product in the world. For example, Amazon  provide service of export from India, Anyone can list their product in portal and sell product globally. It as simple as register your company, list your product and sell. That's why many mentors and EXIM educator are saying "Anyone can do export import business"

Recently in one study done by a private shipping service provider company Shiprocket , India's total merchandise export cross the USD 100 billion number. E commerce cross product business is top priority for Indian government because it represents 20% of  world ecommerce business. Also Akshay Gulati , co founder of Shiprocket said, We are on track to become 2nd largest ecommerce in the world. 

Also buying/selling process and perception is chaining from last two years after corona pandemic . Indian retailers are move their store online along with offline during corona pandemic and they get many international order. 

How to export online?

For export your product online, You need to registered in ecommerce websites or create your own website and sell your product globally but you need basic documents for export. If you want to know about more about export documents please visit below link and read.

Examples of ecommerce products for export?

Well there are lot of products which are currently exporting by ecommerce. But I am preferring some categories which are very potential and have good profit margin in it. 

  • Textile products
  • Kitchen wear products
  • Gifts and articles 
  • Handicraft 
  • Electronics products
  • Instant food products

How to start export your product through e-commerce?

 First step is , conduct online market research that what is target market for your product. Find leading e-commerce websites in your target country. Register your company to all leading B2B portal. Do regular login. Modify and decorate your listing , Upload fine and HD image of your product, Write in depth specification which include all answer of your customer. Use key word strategy and run google SEO , also run your product advertise in your target country by using social media. 

How to do International shipping from India in online orders ?

If you get order through big ecommerce platform such as amazon, They provide international shipping service. If you get order from your website then you can use DHL , FedEx , Shiprocket which provide end to end service in international shipping.

Do I need warehouse for dropshipping ?

Answer is No, You do not need Wearhouse just you need to clearly mention delivery days on your website . Once you get order after then pack your product and ship it with in expected delivery date.

It is best opportunity to start your export business because not only MSME business but also government is pushing export and help to small businesses to grow globally.

22 June 2023

Export documentation list and export documentation process

19 June 2023

જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ | What is Genetic engineering.


આજે આપણે જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ વિશે સમજીશું. જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ શું છે? તે કેવી રીતે કામ કરે છે? તે આપણા જીવન પર કેવી અસર કરી રહી છે

જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ શું છે?

આ એક એવી ફિલ્ડ છે જેમાં કોઈપણ જીવંત વસ્તુઓ જેમકે પ્રાણી,પક્ષી, છોડ કે માનવ ના જિન્સને સમજીને એમાં મોડિફિકેશન કરી ને જોઈતા ગુણધર્મો મેળવવાના  ટેકનિકલ જ્ઞાન ને જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ કહેવાય છે. હવે તમને સવાલ થતો હોય કે આ જિન્સ શું હોય?  જિન્સ ને સમજવા માટે ની એક લાંબી પ્રોસેસ છે પરંતું શોર્ટ માં કોઈ પણ જીવંત વાસ્તુઓ નું શરીર હજારો-કરોડો સેલ થી બનેલુ હોય છે અને આ સેલ ની અંદર એક સ્ટ્રક્ચર હોય છે જેને જીન્સ કહેવાય છે અને આ સ્ટ્રક્ચર વારસાગત રીતે બનેલુ હોય છેઆ સ્ટ્રક્ચર માં ફેરફાર કરી ને જોઈતા ગુણધર્મો મેળવી શકાય છે. 

તે કેવી રીતે કામ કરે છે?

જિન્સને બદલવા જેનોમી એડિટિંગ નો ઉપયોગ થાય છે. જેમાં સૌથી સારી સિસ્ટમ ક્રિસ્પર-કૅર્સ૯(CRISPER cas9) ને માનવામાં આવે છે. કેમ કે તે તે અન્ય જીનોમ સંપાદન પદ્ધતિઓ કરતાં ઝડપી, સસ્તું, વધુ સચોટ અને વધુ કાર્યક્ષમ છે. ક્રીસ્પર ટેકનોલોજી નો ઉપયોગ કરીને  હ્યુમન બોડી માં પણ ગણા બધા બદલાવ કરી શકાશે. જેમકે આપણી ઊંચાઈ-લંબાઈ વધારી શકાશે ઘટાડી શકાશે , આપડો સ્વભાવ, આપડ ને થતા ગંભીર રોગો નુ નીવારણ જેમ કે કેન્સર,વધતી ઉમર ને રોકવી  આ બધુંજ જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ ની મદદથી ભવિષ્ય માં શક્ય હશે . છે ને નવાઈ ની વાત! 

તે આપણા જીવન પર કેવી અસર કરી રહી છે?

આ સાયન્સ નો ઉપયોગ હાલ માં છોડ-વનસ્પતિ ઉપર થઇ રહ્યો છે અને ઘણા એવા એક્સપેરિમેન્ટ કર્યા છે જેનો લાભ સીધો માનવ જીવન ને થઇ રહ્યો છે. જેમકે ગોલ્ડન રાઇસ, આ એક  પ્રકારનું જિનેટિક એન્જિનિરીંગ નો ઉપયોગ કરી વિકસાવવામાં આવેલું અનાજ છે. જ્યારે 1980ના દાયકામાં મોટાભાગના દેશોમાં લોકોમાં વિટામિન A ની ઉણપ થવા લાગી અને મોટા ભાગના બાળકો કુપોષણનો શિકાર થવા લાગ્યા હતા. આ સમસ્યાને નિવારવા વૈજ્ઞાનિકોએ જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગ ની મદદથી ગોલ્ડન રાઈસ નો આવિષ્કાર કર્યો. ગોલ્ડન રાઈસમાંથી મેળવેલ કેરોટીન માનવમાં અસરકારક રીતે વિટામિન A માં રૂપાંતરિત થાય છે. આવા તો ઘણા ઉદાહરણો છે જેમકે નોન- ક્રાઇંગ ઓનિઓન, હવે ડુંગળીનું સંશોધન કરવામાં આવી છે જેના સમારવાથી આંખમાં પાણી નહીં નીકળે. ફાસ્ટર ગ્રોઈંગ ટ્રી, સાઈઝમાં મોટા અને લાંબા સમય સુધી ચાલતા ટમેટાં, જંતુનાશક મકાઈ જે  જિનેટિક એન્જિનિયરિંગના ઉદાહરણો છે.

16 June 2023

How to find buyers in export business || B2B portals || Online approach

Find buyer in export business is very big headache for exporters. However,I share my personal experience for it in my blogs. Today we will discuss about online approach or online way to find buyer for export. 

If you want to know about how to find buyer with offline approach. Please click on below link , I already upload blog for it.

Well, Find online international buyer has many ways and I will try to explain one of it. It is B2B portals, Just go through of it and you can understand how B2B portals are effective way to find international buyer. 

B2B portals

In international business, B2B portals are very helpful for find buyers. There are many reasons behind it. There are different B2B portals in different country and they give option to free registration of your business on their portal. So register in all B2B portals in origin country and also in other countries which are your target market of your product. This step will increase online presence of your business because B2B portals have there own ranking on google. If buyer will search about your product or website, your website is showing in many link on google search because of this B2B portals. 

Also get 1 paid portal membership. You have to spend money as a marketing investment if you want to find buyer in short period. This step will show your genuinity and push the buyer to know about you. For example, If you get Indiamart or Alibaba membership , then this company never give verified symbol on your page interface without proper verification and conformation. And once they verified your company, then obliviously buyer will trust on you and your company. In international business, tractability and credibility is the key of success. 

If you done above two step, then whenever buyer search about product which you want to export. There is more chance to show your company website and name in first page of google search and if your company is verified by prominent B2B portal than it increase tractability and create positive image in front of buyer and buyer will definitely approach to you.

We will discuss about more online approach on  next blogs. Thanks for reading and stay tuned with us. 

14 June 2023

How to find buyers in export business || Offline approach || Trade events

Export business is quite tough business compare to import. Because there are many fake buyers available in international market. In India, People select products , they also have IEC but they could not find buyers for Export their products. Let I share my personal views on how to find International Buyer.

Well, there are many ways to find international buyers but we will discuss only effective ways of find buyers. The most effective way is offline marketing. Offline marketing include trade events organized by export promotion councils, direct visit to factory or hire agent, friends or family members in target country. Let we see all offline approach in details.

  • Trade events Organized by export promotion councils.

Majority products are divided in different categories, and there are export promotion councils are available for every category. For example, APEDA( Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) is for organics food products. This councils which are government body which are organize international tours and give chance to exporters to promote there business in target market. They organized exhibitions. Be part of this exhibition as a exporter. It has very good experience and highly chance to get genuine buyer in this exhibitions. Also exporter can find International agents here who are connected to buyer with exporters.

  • Direct approach to buyer  

 If you  pay of visa and flight and bear cost of international travel that means you are seeking genuine buyer and also you are genuine supplier. It is the mindset of buyer. Not exporter but importer also finding genuine supplier, They also have fear of fraud. But if you visit direct to buyer Wearhouse or soap or manufacturing unit. It is very effective way because, you will also see the empire of buyer and you can easily decide that the buyer is genuine or not. But try to do not go direct approach, first take appointment by mail or call otherwise in some countries it is not way to meet and can create negative effect in front of buyer. 

  • Hire friend or family members 

Nowadays, Indian community is in every country. Every body have friend and families in foreign county. Exporter can hire them with fix pay per shipment and tell them approach to buyer through call or direct visit and you can set up your business with very easy way. You can conduct market research in small cost by the help of them. Well it is also part time income for foreign Indians and they will do your work. Don't worry if you do not have any family or friends in foreign country. Exporters can find Indian people by social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp. They made groups for examples, Indians in UK on social media. You can hire your freelancer or executive from there also.

So these are offline ways to find international buyer. We will discuss online ways to find buyer in export business in future blogs.

11 June 2023

Tropical Cyclone frequency is increased in Gujarat in recent years.

In recent days, Biparjoy cyclone is become dangerous and converting in severe cyclone. However, This cyclone is changing its direction but still some costal areas in Gujarat are in threat. 

But why cyclone frequency is increasing in past two decades in Gujarat? If we go to the history of severe cyclone, There are only one severe cyclone in Gujarat in 2001 to 2020 tenure of two decades, First cyclone Gujarat in 2001 and cyclone Vayu in 2019. While there are 2 cyclone in 3 years cyclone Tauktae in 2021 and cyclone Biparjoy in 2023.

This consequences have because of global warming. We all know that global warming is increasing day by day and because of it, sea surface temperature(SST) of Indian Ocean is increasing and become high compare than past. Cyclones are created because of two things, create low pressure on surface due to warm air goes up and second is latent heat which is increase because of water drops. 

 Due to global warming effect, warm temperature is increasing and it cause more moisture in atmosphere. Moisture is directly effect on creation of cyclone.

We Gujarati see two severe cyclone in last three years. Many scientist warn about this consequences and we have to stop global warming. 

For video of this blog topic click below link.